New podcast episode – Gaisberg returns to Russia, his girlfriend says Ta Ta, he goes to record Tatars!

After the mixed success of the recording trip to Russia in 1900, it is a curious decision of Fred’s to return to the country the following year. But back he goes – twice ­– with a point to prove. Still waiting for that elusive breakthrough, The Gramophone Company has diversified into typewriters and Fred’s notContinue reading “New podcast episode – Gaisberg returns to Russia, his girlfriend says Ta Ta, he goes to record Tatars!”

New podcast episode – Fred Gaisberg heads east to pre-revolutionary Russia

Today we publish the first of two episodes following Fred on recording expeditions to Russia. In early 1900, with their bosses dissatisfied with what they’ve recorded to date, Fred and his colleague William Sinkler Darby are under pressure to find fascinating sounds. Their agents in St Petersburg, charged with finding singers and musicians, are uselessContinue reading “New podcast episode – Fred Gaisberg heads east to pre-revolutionary Russia”

Gaisberg in Russia: April 1st 1900

One hundred and eleven years ago today Fred Gaisberg was in the middle of his third big recording expedition. He’d travelled to continental Europe over the summer of 1899 and the British Isles over the autumn of that year and had already made hundreds of the world’s first recordings. In spring 1900 he and hisContinue reading “Gaisberg in Russia: April 1st 1900”