Entertaining in Antarctica- Captain Scott Style!

Thank you again to our friends from the EMI Archive Trust for sending this great picture of Sir John Mills playing the role of Captain Scott in ‘Scott of the Antarctic’ 1948. When Captain Robert Falcon Scott embarked upon the Terra Nova expedition to Antarctica and the South Pole in 1910 he took with him twoContinue reading “Entertaining in Antarctica- Captain Scott Style!”

Win a copy of Scott’s Music Box

The hound has come across this competition from the folks over at the EMI Archive Trust and thought it was worth sharing with you all! Sign up and Good luck! This Christmas we are offering you the chance to WIN one of 5 copies of Scott’s Music Box from the EMI Archive Trust. This doubleContinue reading “Win a copy of Scott’s Music Box”

Scott’s Gramophone Great Tour

In 1910 this beautiful HMV Gramophone was loaned by The Gramophone Company to Captain Scott to keep the sailors and expedition team entertained as they made their way to the South Pole. Scott took with him two HMV “monarch” gramophones, donated by The Gramophone Company, which later became EMI, together with several hundred 78rpm discs,Continue reading “Scott’s Gramophone Great Tour”

Winner, Scott’s Last Expedition

The Natural History Museum won the Best of the Best award at the Museums and Heritage Awards for Excellence 2013 ceremony last night. Scott’s Last Expedition took the award for Best Temporary or Touring Exhibition, recognising the innovative approach it took to revealing the tales of endurance and scientific achievements of Robert Falcon Scott’s epicContinue reading “Winner, Scott’s Last Expedition”

Revealed: the secrets of Captain Scott’s playlist

New album is compiled from gramophone recordings explorer took on ill-fated journey to the Antarctic This article was written by Adam Sherwin published by The Independant,  Thursday 10 May 2012  Huddled together inside their hut while blizzards raged outside, Captain Scott and his men found solace in the gramophone records of comical music hall hits, operettas and stirring anthemsContinue reading “Revealed: the secrets of Captain Scott’s playlist”

Captain Scott’s Desert Island Discs. A flavour of what were the happening sounds in Antarctica 100 years ago

This article was written by Jasper Rees and published on theartsdesk 11 April 2012   The gramophone on which Scott and his men listened to music hall and opera at the bottom of the world   Centenaries are sizeable business in 2012. It just so happens that the Olympics are coming to the United Kingdom for theContinue reading “Captain Scott’s Desert Island Discs. A flavour of what were the happening sounds in Antarctica 100 years ago”


Today we publish the fifth and final in our series of extracts from this fine new book, with kind permission from its creators Christopher Proudfoot and Brian Oakley. While the gramophone horn was a wonderful piece of design and construction and served its purpose well during the early years, when it came to portability itContinue reading “HIS MASTER’S GRAMOPHONE, part 5”