We know how our Hound readers like little quirky stories – so when our eagle eyed EMI archivist saw the 200th episode of Big Bang with Adam West she remembered the  pics of him held deep in the EMI vault! The record was on Target ….which we think was licensed to EMI. We’d love to hear from ourContinue reading “HOLY BAT LOGIC ADAM WEST IS ON TARGET!”

Tonight – People’s History of Pop

The first episode of the People’s History of Pop is to be broadcast on BBC Four at 9pm tonight, as part of the year-long My Generation season. Photo courtesy of BBC People’s History of Pop Episode one sees Twiggy unearth pop treasures including a recording of John Lennon’s first-ever recorded performance with his band The Quarrymen, at aContinue reading “Tonight – People’s History of Pop”

Paul Robeson sharing his latest hit with Nipper’s friend….

By Tony Locantro Robeson began his recording career in July 1925 with RCA Victor in Camden. When he moved to London after playing in Show Boat at Drury Lane in 1928 he recorded extensively for HMV (actually The Gramophone Company) up to World War II. He made only the one side for British Columbia: ‘Ol’Continue reading “Paul Robeson sharing his latest hit with Nipper’s friend….”

Publicity photos of the early Gramophone stars #2 Albert and ‘is old Dutch

This is the second in a series of publicity shots from the early years of the recording business that our friends at the EMI Archive Trust have made available to us. These two photos are of Abert Chevalier who was a comedian, actor and music hall star at the turn of the last century. HeContinue reading “Publicity photos of the early Gramophone stars #2 Albert and ‘is old Dutch”